Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Lupino - Potrero Angelito, Cordillera - Photo by Bryce Rinkenberger
Welcome to the "Using Abonos Verdes In Paraguay" blog!  The main intent of this site is to be a resource for Peace Corps Volunteers working in Paraguay, but the information is relevant to anyone interested in using green manures in their cropping systems.  Due to my current living situation (out in the campo), updating this site is challenging because I don't really have internet access at home.  I will do my best to keep the information coming on a fairly regular basis, and I hope to have information available for anyone and everyone.

Even though this is my own personal project, I have the backing of our entire Seed Bank Committee, so we have a wealth of knowledge about all things abonos verdes.  Got a question or suggestion?  Type it in the comments section!